Facts about the painting

Size 27" x 36"
Format Oil on Canvas
Signature Lower Right
Frame Not known

History of the painting

Date Auctioneer Lot Offer Price Sale Price
22 Nov 1982 Phillip's 191 Not known £6,500
6 Nov 1991 Sotheby's London 147 £10,000 - £15,000 £11,000

Other observations

The older boy sitting reading on the window sill is probably Oswald (now aged 8) as he is wearing the same top as in Busy Hours 1888 where Edgar was making the model boat. Edwin is sitting on the floor and it may be Charles imploring Oswald to join the play.

That leaves the problem of identifying the two girls playing with the dolls house. It is clear that only one of these can be Ruth and she is probably the one sitting to the left of the dolls house with a friend or relative to the right of the dolls house.

The copper coal scuttle (or a similar one) appears in Blind Man's Buff 1898 ten years later.