Facts about the painting

Size 28" x 36" Format Oil on Canvas
Signature Yes Frame Not known

History of the painting

Date Auctioneer Lot Offer Price Sale Price
10 May 1983 Phillip's 70 Not known £5,000

Other observations
This is the earliest known example of Harry Brooker's apparent favourite size and orientation of painting (Landscape 28" x 36") of which there are nearly fifty known examples.

The room appears to be almost exactly the same as "A Visit to the Sweet Shop 1897", not just by the staircase but by the shape of the wall to the left of the fireplace.

The poor quality image is from a photocopy held at the Witt Library.

The children are not very distinct but their ages seem to be consistent with Ruth (age 5), Oswald (age 7), Edwin (age 4) and Charles (first appearance aged 2). Note also an adult (parent?) sitting near the fireplace.