Facts about the painting

Size 27½" x 35½ "
Format Oil on Canvas
Signature Lower Right (on brick floor)
Frame Not known

History of the painting

Date Auctioneer Lot Offer Price Sale Price
25 May 1979 Christie's London 131 Not known £7000 as a pair with Home Talent

Other observations

This painting again features all five of the children. Edgar (now aged 9) is making a model ship, watched closely by Ruth (aged 6) Edwin (age 5). Oswald (now aged 8) is filling a jar with water at the sink and Charles is looking into the barrel. It seems likely that the children intend to fill the barrel with water in order to sail the ship. In the Young Carpenters 1897 there is another barrel filled with water and another ship. The saw on the wall features later in Making a Doll's House 1897

A barrel is featured to the rear of the painting and it is known that Harry's father Henry was a cooper by trade. Barrels or sections of them feature in several paintings. The ring on the floor in front of Edgar may also be part of a barrel.

It is quite possible that this painting and Home Talent were sold together and have remained as a set ever since.