Facts about the painting

Size Not known
Format Oil on Canvas
Signature Lower Right
Frame Not known

History of the painting

Date Auctioneer Lot Offer Price Sale Price
25 Oct 2000 Christie's New York 98 $12,000 - $18,000 $23,000

Other observations

The girl about to dance to the music is almost certainly Ruth (now aged 14), however it is not so clear who is playing the recorder, nor who is reading the newspaper. One option is that it is Oswald and Edgar, however another option is Edwin and Oswald. Oswald is now aged 16 and the musician in the painting seems to be younger, perhaps Edwin (now aged 13). In addition it is Charles who is usually painted on the floor rather than Edwin, so I would tend to conclude that the musician is Edwin and it is Oswald reading the newspaper.

The straw boater on the floor has been a feature of many paintings and the chair on which Oswald (or Edgar?) is sitting to read the newspaper also appears in "The Kite Makers 1897"

This is the only of Harry's paintings that features a traditional "dresser" full of plates. Could it be that playing in the kitchen was discouraged and this was a rare example of somewhat more restrained play from now older children?